2111 Mission Street
Suite 401
San Francisco 94110


Table of Contents:

-  Hilarious!  On Comedy and the Sense of Humor 

-  Modernity and Modernism

-  Video Art and Tele-Visual Culture

-  Global Video, 1989 - Present

- Philosophy, Critical Theory, and Misc. Art History

Hilarious!:  On Comedy and the Sense of Humor


Aristophanes, The Clouds, from Four Texts on Socrates, pp. 115 - 176

Artaud, Antonin, excerpts from Black Humor, pp.

Barber, C.L., “The Saturnalian Pattern in Shakespeare’s Comedy”

Ellison, Ralph, “An Extravagance of Laughter,” in Going to the Territory

Freud, Sigmund

"Creative Writers and Daydreaming," pp. 436 - 443

"Formulations on the Two Principles of Mental Functioning," pp. 215 - 225

Excerpts from Jokes and their Relationship to the Unconscious, pp.TBD

"Remembering, Repeating, Working-Through," pp. 147 - 156

Hazlitt,William, Excerpts from Lectures on the English Comic Writers

Mizejewski, Linda, “Funniness, Prettiness, Feminism: Women and Comedy’s Body Politics”

Morreall, John

       “No Laughing Matter,”

“Funny Ha-Ha, Funny Strange, and Other Reactions to Incongruity,”


Excerpts from The Philebus, pp. 10 – 13

The Apology, in Four Texts on Socrates, pp. 63 – 97 (17a – 42a)

Willett, Cynthia, from Irony in the Age of Empire

“Ch. 1, Laughter Against Hubris:  A Preemptive Strike,” 18 – 40

“Ch. 2, Laughing to Keep from Crying: Cornel West, Pragmatism, and Progressive Comedy,”

“Ch. 3, Authenticity in the Age of Satire: Ellison, Sartre, Bergson, and Spike Lee’s Bamboozled,”

Modernity and Modernism

Arnason, H.H.  History of Modern Art: Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, Photography,

Ch. 1, The Sources of Modern Painting

Ch. 2, Realism Impressionism and Early Photography

Ch. 3, Post-Impressionism

Ch. 4, The Origins of Modern Architecture and Design

Ch. 5, Art Nouveau and the Beginnings of Expressionism

Ch. 6, The Origins of Modern Sculpture

Ch. 7, Fauvism

Ch. 8 ,Expressionism in Germany

Ch. 9,The Figurative Tradition in Early 20th-Century Sculpture

Ch. 10, Cubism

Ch. 11, Futurism, Abstraction in Russia, and DeStijl

Ch. 12, Early 20th-Century Architecture

Ch. 13, From Fantasy to DADA and the New Objectivity

Ch. 14, The School of Paris After WWI

Ch. 15, Surrealism

Ch. 16, Modern Architecture Between the Wars

Ch. 17, International Abstraction Between the Wars

Ch. 18, American Art Before WWII

Ch. 19, Abstract Expressionism and the New American Art

Ch. 20, Post-War European Art

Ch. 21, Pop-Art and Europe's New Realism

Ch. 22, Sixties Abstraction

Ch. 23, The Second Wave of International Style Architecture

Ch. 24a, The Pluralistic 70s, PART I

Ch. 24b, The Pluralistic 70s, PART II

Ch. 25, Post-Modernism in Architecture

Ch. 26, The Retrospective 80s

Ch. 27, Resistance and Resolution

Berger, Klaus, From Japonisme in Western Painting from Whistler to Matisse,

Ch.1: “The Background,” pp. 1 – 9

Ch. 3:  “The Pre-Impressionist Pioneers, “pp. 20 - 64

Botton, Jerry, "A Global Renaissance," The Renaissance: A Very Short Introduction, 19-37

Bowness, Alan, from Modern European Art,

Ch. 1: Manet and le Salon des Refuses: The Birth of Modern Art

Ch. 2: Impressionism

Ch. 3: Post-Impressionism

Ch. 4: Symbolism

Ch. 5:  Expressionism

Ch. 6: Cubism

Ch. 7: Abstract Art

Ch. 8: Surrealism

Chadwick, Whitney, from Women, Art, and Society

Introduction:  Art History and the Woman Artist

Ch. 3, The Other Renaissance

Ch. 4, Domestic Genres and Women Painters in Northern Europe

Ch. 5, Amateurs and Academics: A New Ideology of Feminity in France and England

Eisenman, Stephen (ed.) from Nineteenth-Century Art: A Critical History,

Ch. 3, The Tensions of Enlightenment: Goya, pp. 78 – 97

Ch. 8, The Generation of 1830 and the Crisis in the Public Sphere, pp. 188 – 206

Ch. 9, The Rhetoric of Realism:  Courbet and the Origins of the Avant-Garde, 206 - 224

Gombrich, E.H., The Story of Art

Ch. 9, The Church Militant

Ch. 10, The Church Triumphant

Ch. 11, Courtiers and Burghers

Ch. 12,  The Conquest of Reality

Ch. 13, Tradition and Innovation I

Ch. 14, Tradition and Innovation II

Ch. 15, Harmony Attained

Ch. 16, Light and Color

Ch. 17, The New Learning Spreads

Ch. 18, A Crisis of Art

Ch. 19, Vision and Visions

Ch. 20, The Mirror of Nature

Ch. 21, Power and Glory I

Ch. 22, Power and Glory II

Ch. 23, The Age of Reason

Ch. 24, The Break in Tradition

Ch. 25, Permanent Revolution

Ch. 26, In Search of New Standards

Pollock, Griselda, "The Female Hero and the Making of a Feminist Canon," 30 pages

Stockstad, Marilyn, Art History,

Selections on Rococo, Neo-Classicism, and Romanticism (as a single PDF)

Ch. 26, The 18th Century, Only 897-900, 902-907, 912-913, 919-927, 929-934

Ch. 27, The 19th Century, Only 941-958



  Global Video, 1989 - Present,

Appadurai, Arjun, Modernity At Large

Ch 1.,  Here and Now, 1 -26

Ch 2., Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy, 27 - 47

Bhabha, Homi, "Ch. 9, The Postcolonial and the Postmodern," The Location of Culture, 245-282

Bourriaud, Nicolas, "Globalization, National Identities, and the Production of Signs," 101-108

Bourriaud, Nicolas, The Radicant

       "Ch. 1, Altermodernity," pp. 25 - 77

       "Ch. 2, Radicant Aesthetics," pp. 79 - 140

Davis, Mike, "Planet of Slums," 20pgs.

Harraway, Donna, "A Cyborg Manifesto," p. 149 - 181

Identity Politics, from The Stanford Encylclopedia of Philosophy, pp. 1 - 15

Klein, Naomi, "The Other Shock Doctor (On Milton Friedman)," The Shock Doctrine, pp. 59 - 87

Levinson, "Hailing Judith Butler: Sex Without Sex, Queering the Market...," pp. 81 - 101

Machado, Arlindo, "Video Art: The Brazilian Adventure," pp. 225 - 231

McNally, David, Another World Is Possible: Globalization and Anti-Capitalism

         "Ch. 2: Globalization: It Isn't About Free Trade," pp. 27 - 82

         "Ch. 6: Democracy Against Capitalism," pp. 267 - 335

Nader, Ralph, "GATT, NAFTA, and the Subversion of the Democratic Process," pp. 92 - 107

Oliva, Achille, "The Globalization of Art," 41 - 48

Vine, Richard, New China, New Art

Introduction, Why China, Why Now?, 6 - 15

Ch. 5, Video, 162 - 191

Zizek, Slavoj, "Multiculturalism, or the Cultural Logic of Multinational Capitalism", 28 - 51

  Video Art and Tele-Visual Culture, Texts, etc.

Birnbaum, Dara, in conversation with Cory Archangel, Art Forum, January 2009, pp. 191 - 198

Bourriaud, Nicolas, Post-Production

Preface, pp. 7 - 10

Introduction, pp. 13 - 20

Ch. 1, The Use of Objects, pp. 23 - 32

Ch. 2, The Use of Forms, pp. 35 - 66

Ch. 3, The Use of the World, pp. 69 - 82

Ch. 4, How to Inhabit Global Culture, pp. 85 - 94

Foster, Hal, et al. "The Projected Image in Contemporary Art (roundtable discussion)," pp. 71 - 96

Golonu, Berin, et al, "Surveillance," Artweek, 2000, pp. 12 - 19

Hall, Doug and Pfeiffer, Sally Jo, "Introduction: The Complexities of An Art Form," pp. 13 - 27

Hanhardt, John, “Collage/De-Collage: Notes Toward a Re-examination of the Origins of Video Art,” pp. 71 – 79 

Hanhardt, John, "Video / Media Culture of the Late 20th Century," pp. 20 - 25

Hill, Chris, "Attention, Production!, Audience!: Performing Video In the First Decade, 1968 - 1980," pp. 1 - 28

Hill, Gary (about)

Iles, Chrissie, "The Metaphysician of Media,” pp. 16 – 30 

Krauss, Rosalind, "Video: The Aesthetics of Narcissism," pp. 50 - 64

Kotz, Liz, "Video Projection: The Space Between the Screens," pp. 101 - 115

London, Barbara, "Time as Medium: Five Artist's Video Installations," pp. 423 - 426

London, Barbara, "Video Spaces: Eight Installations at MoMA," pp. 14 - 19

London, Barbara, ON MUSIC VIDEO, with contributions by Michel Gondry, ERock, Rodney Graham, Michael Bell-Smith, Steina, and Cao Fei, Art Forum, January, 2009

McLuhan, Marshall, "The Medium is the Message," p. 17 – 35 

Saper, Craig, "Electronic Media Studies: From Video Art to Artificial Invention," pp. 114 - 134

Viola, Bill (about)

Townsend, Chris, "Call Me Old-Fashioned, But... " pp. 7 - 23

Naumaier, Otto, "Space Time Video Viola," pp. 47 - 70

Morgan, David, "Spirit and Medium," pp. 89 - 109

Wagner, Anne, "Performance, Video, and the Rhetoric of Presence," pp. 59 - 80

On - Line Resources for Other Texts About Video Art

 Radical Software - the complete indexed magazine

 Experimental Television Center:  The Video History Project (with lots of excellent links!)

 The Early Video Project

Philosophy, Critical Theory, and Misc. Art History

Benjamin, Walter, "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction," pp. 217 - 251

Bhabha, Homi, "Introduction" to The Location of Culture, pp. 1 - 27

Bishop, Claire, "Antagonism and Relational Aesthetics," pp. 51 - 79

Bishop, Claire, "Mimetic Engulfment," from Installation Art, pp. 82 - 101

Bishop, Claire, "Heightened Perception," from Installation Art, pp. 48 - 81

Bourriaud, Nicolas, "Relational Form," pp. 10 - 24

Butler, Judith, "Subjects of Sex, Gender, Desire," Gender Trouble, pp. 1 - 34

Danto, "Art After the End of Art," pp. 115 - 128

Deleuze, Gilles and Guattari, Feliz, "Introduction: Rhizome," A Thousand Plateaus, pp.3 - 24

Derrida, Jacques, "Signature Event Context," 80 - 109

Derrida, Jacques, "The Law of Genre," pp. 55 - 81

Derrida, Jacques, "Parergon," from The Truth In Painting, pp. 17 - 147

Foster, Hal, "What's So Neo About the Neo-Avant-Garde?," pp. 5 - 32

Freud, "The Rat Man," pp. 5 - 81

Freud, "Creative Writers and Daydreaming," pp. 436 - 443

Freud, "Formulations on the Two Principles of Mental Functioning," pp. 215 - 225

Freud, "Remembering, Repeating, Working-Through," pp. 147 - 156

Freud, “Five Lectures on Psychoanalysis,” (excerpts), pp. 9 – 28

Foucault, Michel, The History of Sexuality, Chs. 1 and 2, pp. 17 - 49

Foucault, "History of Sexuality, Part 4: The Deployment of Sexuality,"

Greenberg, "Avant-Garde and Kitsch," pp. 5 - 22

Greenberg, "Modernist Painting," pp. 85 - 93

Heidegger, excerpts from Being and Time, #1 (as  single PDf)

The Question of the Meaning of Being (TRT: 45 pages)

a)  "The Necessity, Structure, and Priority of the Question of Being," pp. 21 - 35

b) "The Worldhood of the World," pp. 91 - 107

c) "Being-in-the-World as Being-Oneself: The 'They,'" pp. 153 - 168

Heidegger, excerpts from Being and Time, #2 (as  single PDf)

Anxiety, Authenticity, and Being-Towards-Death (TRT: 45 pages)

a) "The Everyday Being of the There; and the Falling of Dasein," pp. 210 - 224

b)  "Dasein's Possibility of Being-A-Whole, and Being-Towards-Death," pp. 279 - 311

Heidegger, "The Worldhood of the World," from Being and Time, pp.91 - 122

Heidegger, Martin, "The Origin of the Work of Art," pp. 17 - 78

Kant, Critique of Judgment, excerpts on Fine Art and Genius, pp. 170 - 189

Kant, Critique of Judgment, "The Analytic of the Beautiful," pp. 43 - 95

Kaprow, Alan, "The Education of the Un-Artist, Part I," pp. 97 - 109

Krauss, Rosalind, "Informe Without Conclusion," pp. 89 - 105

Lacan, "Subversion of the Subject and the Dialectic of Desire,"

Lacan, "Signification of the Phallus," from Ecrits, pp. 574 - 584

Marx, Karl - Selections (One PDF):  


"The Communist Manifesto," pp. 221 - 238,

"Alienated Labor," 77 - 96,

"The Fetishism of Commodities," pp. 435 - 439

Nietzsche, "Good and Bad v. Good and Evil," from The Genealogy of Morals, pp. 24 - 56

Mill, John Stuart - Selections (One PDF)

        excerpts from Utilitarianism, pp. 6 - 25

        excerpts from On Liberty, pp. 1 - 16, 53 - 71

Plato, The Symposium, (complete)

Thurber, James, "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty," pp. 1 - 3




gallery hours:
Wednesday,Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, 1 - 6pm or by appointment.